
We have made some changes to offer you a better experience.  Kingston Counselling has rebranded to :


Tired of feeling stuck, hurt or overwhelmed?  You don’t have to keep struggling…

Counselling can help you resolve your problems, regain confidence and feel better about your life.  While you may feel skeptical right now, it is possible to move beyond the problems you are having. 

Located in Kingston, Ontario, Canada – Kingston Counselling helps individuals and couples gain the insight and tools they need to overcome their problems, improve their relationships, and reach their full potential. We strive to provide information about mental health issues and bilingual services to the residents of Kingston.

The decision to begin counselling is often not an easy one to make – but is a healthy one!

Francophone flag

Certains des conseillées / conseillères en santé mentale affilié avec Kingston Counselling / Ensemble Counselling offrent des services de langues françaises. Certain d’entres eux offrent des services pour des clients hors région des logiciels virtuels.

Veuillez voir la section Services Francophone pour plus amples informations.
